Our Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hr/day. Passcode is required at all times of the day.
Contact Annette (English) at: 542-3635 or Maria Vega (Spanish) at: 710-5094 to reserve a regular time.
For access code to the Chapel, please go to the parish office and talk to Maria Sanchez.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

A Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located at Saint Eugene Cathedral in the building across the small parking lot to the north of the Cathedral. Entrance to the chapel is on the south side of the building (adjacent to the preschool).

At this time, the chapel requires an access code at all times of the day. During office hours, please contact Maria in the parish office to request access.

To commit to a specific day and time each week or for more information, please call Annette (English) at: 542-3635 or Ceci (Spanish) at: 571-9673.